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Post 005: JWRV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General RV FAQs

At Johnnie Walker RV, we take pride in being able to answer your RVing questions, no matter what they may be! From answers to general questions to recommendations on vehicles, parts, tools, camping spots, etc., we are always ready to help out!

What is an RV?

RV stands for “recreational vehicle” and refers to any vehicle that combines transportation and living quarters. RVs are meant for camping and recreation and can come in the form of motorhomes or towables. Motorhomes offer a front driving compartment and a living space within a single vehicle, while towables are a boxed in living space pulled behind another vehicle such as a truck.

What types of RVs are available?

Here is a basic rundown of the main types of motorhomes and trailers you may come across:

Class A Motorhome:

A large, bus-like motorhome with connected living and driving compartment. These generally range from 26ft to 43ft. Class A motorhomes are also known as a coaches or motor coaches.

  • Class A Gas – these are suited well for longer family adventures or get-aways; they allow for the ability to start the RV enjoyment while on the road. While mom, dad, or Uncle Harry are at the wheel, the rest of the family is free to enjoy the motorhome amenities, like the kitchen and entertainment center! Class A gas motorhomes generally cost less than the diesel alternatives because they are lighter, smaller and have a lower towing capacity.
  • Class A Diesel – these are best suited for longer RV trips, including cross-country treks, since they feature a smoother ride and more torque, which means a higher towing capacity. Diesel Class A’s will have no issue towing a vehicle. They often feature even more creature comforts including exhaust braking, air ride suspension for a smoother ride, luxury furniture, residential refrigerators, etc.
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